The goal of this guide is to provide functional specifications for the sensor menu.
NOTE: You must follow instructions in “Saving Settings” below to save any of the changes made in this guide.
First, you will need to open a serial terminal to the AMN and arrive at the NeatMon Main Menu. Be sure to disconnect any solar panel or external charger before connecting with USB.
If you are unsure how to get a prompt check the Opening Serial Terminal guide.
Press 'C' to stop booting and configure.......
NeatMon Main Menu
1: Network config
2: Sensor config
3: Utilities
x: < Save & Quit
After pressing “C” during the reboot cycle of the node, select Sensor config from the neatMon Main Menu.
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
NOTE: Refer to sensor guides for specific sensor configuration. Links to sensors can be found on the Sensors page here.
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Select Add sensor.
Create sensor
Select type:
1: nM TPRH sensor
2: nM NCTP sensor
3: nM GPIO analog (4v max)
4: nM digital counter
5: nM air quality monitor
6: Generic SDI-12 Sensor
7: Sentek RS485 SM
8: LeafMon sensor
9: Next page....
x: <Back
Sensor list continued...
Select type:
1: nM+ A1/A2 analog (5v max)
2: Relay Controller - 8 Relay
3: Relay Controller - RS485
4: Davis VP2 Weather Station - RS485
5: High frequency kHz counter
6: GPIO Pulse counter
7: Modbus Sensor
9: Next page....
x: <Back to Sensor Menu
Sensor list continued...
Select type:
1: EXP-ADC-16P
2: Bridge/24-bit ADC
3: nM+ Relay-DCL-3
4: nM+ THCO2 sensor
x: <Back to Sensor Menu
You will now see the sensor list. There are multiple pages of sensor options. Enter the number of the sensor you would like to add. If you don't see the sensor you're looking for, enter 9 to select Next page… to continue to the next page of options. Enter x to go back to the Sensor Menu.
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Battery monitor is now disabled
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Enable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Battery monitor is now enabled
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Select Disable Battery monitor to enable or disable the battery monitor. It is recommended to leave the battery monitor enabled. After inputting your selection, you will automatically be returned to the Sensor Config page with the battery monitor status updated.
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Retrieved 2 sensors from memory
ID | Sensor name
1 | sm1-0
Type: sm [4]
Sample rate (mins): 15
Interface: SDI12
Port: 1
Query: Manual Cfg
SDI-12 Address: 0
Strict Response Check: Enabled
XT command: Enabled
Measurement command: 'aM0!'
aMx! Response Check: True
Max Response Wait Time: 15
2 | ldg
Type: sm [4]
Sample rate (mins): 60
Interface: SDI12
Port: 1
Query: Manual Cfg
SDI-12 Address: 0
Strict Response Check: Enabled
Measurement command: 'aM3!'
aMx! Response Check: True
Max Response Wait Time: 15
Press any key to escape
Select List sensors to view which sensors are currently configured. Press any key to escape and return to the Sensor Config page.
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Select Delete sensor.
ID | Sensor name
1 | sm1-0
Type: sm [4]
Sample rate (mins): 15
Interface: SDI12
Port: 1
Query: Manual Cfg
SDI-12 Address: 0
Strict Response Check: Enabled
XT command: Enabled
Measurement command: 'aM0!'
aMx! Response Check: True
Max Response Wait Time: 15
2 | ldg
Type: sm [4]
Sample rate (mins): 60
Interface: SDI12
Port: 1
Query: Manual Cfg
SDI-12 Address: 0
Strict Response Check: Enabled
Measurement command: 'aM3!'
aMx! Response Check: True
Max Response Wait Time: 15
Enter index of sensor to delete (x to cancel): 2
Recovered 60 bytes! (166032|166092)
Enter the ID number of the sensor you would like to delete (left column) or x to cancel. You will automatically be returned to the Sensor Config menu after entering your input.
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Select test read sensors.
ID | Sensor name
0 | Battery monitor---------------------------------
1 | sm1-0
Type: sm [4]
Sample rate (mins): 15
Interface: SDI12
Port: 1
Query: Manual Cfg
SDI-12 Address: 0
Strict Response Check: Enabled
XT command: Enabled
Measurement command: 'aM0!'
aMx! Response Check: True
Max Response Wait Time: 15
2 | ldg
Type: sm [4]
Sample rate (mins): 60
Interface: SDI12
Port: 1
Query: Manual Cfg
SDI-12 Address: 0
Strict Response Check: Enabled
Measurement command: 'aM3!'
aMx! Response Check: True
Max Response Wait Time: 15
Enter ID of sensor to read (x to cancel): 2
Enter the ID number of the sensor you would like to read (e.g. 2 for “ldg” above), or x to cancel and return to the Sensor Config menu.
Power: 3V3_SW power enabled
Power: 12V/5V power enabled
<data omitted>
Read again? Y/n
The sensor will now be read if you entered a sensor and if it is wired and configured properly (example above has no sensor). Enter Y to read the sensor again, or n to exit back to the Sensor Config menu.
You MUST follow one of the two options to save changes made to sensors or configurations.
Sensor Config
1: Add sensor
2: Disable Battery monitor
3: List sensors
4: Delete sensor
5: Test read sensors
x: <Back
Enter x to select <Back to return to Main Menu
neatMon Main Menu
1: Network Config
2: Sensor Config
3: Utilities
x: < Save & Quit
Memory: Configuration Saved! (Used 1032/4040 bytes)
Resetting node now..
Enter x to select < Save & Quit. Changes will be saved and the node will reboot.
neatMon Main Menu
1: Network Config
2: Sensor Config
3: Utilities
x: < Save Config & Quit
Select Utilities from the neatMon Main Menu.
Utility Menu
1: Display permanent config
2: Save/write updates to permanent config
3: Undo changes to temporary config
4: Reset to default configuration or format drive
5: Enable Demo mode
6: Unit test
7: Interface with port
8: Configure sleep and power settings
9: Configure unit type
x: <Back
Memory: Configuration Saved! (Used 1055/4040 bytes)
Resetting node now..
Select Save/write updates to permanent config. Changes will be saved and the node will reboot.